TMJ Treatment Wilmington

Achieving Relief by Eliminating Jaw Pain

Person holding their jaw in pain needing T M J treatment in Wilmington

Stress, bruxism (teeth grinding), facial trauma, and bite misalignment are some of the most common reasons TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder) develops. When the TMJs (temporomandibular joints) are damaged or become inflamed, the result is often pain within the jaw joints and frequent headaches. At Cosmetic Coast Dental Spa, we want to help you achieve relief by eliminating your jaw pain using effective TMJ treatment in Wilmington, such as equilibration and custom occlusal splints. Let us know how we can help you enjoy a better quality of life by calling us today.

Why Choose Cosmetic Coast Dental Spa for TMJ Treatment?

  • Safe, Effective Solutions Designed to Target Jaw Pain
  • Dentist with Extensive Experience & Training
  • No One-Size-Fits-All Treatment Plans; Customized Care Only



Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

Person holding the sides of their jaw in pain

You may not know if you have TMJ Disorder (TMD); however, if you find that you exhibit one or more of the following symptoms, you should not wait to call and schedule an appointment:

  • Pain throughout the jaw, neck, and head
  • Difficulty opening your mouth to chew or bite down
  • Jaw clicking or popping
  • Lockjaw
  • Earaches or ringing in the ears
  • Limited jaw mobility
  • A change in the way your bite lines up

TMJ Treatment Options

Gloved hands holding a clear occlusal splint tray

Treating TMJ disorder requires a comprehensive approach. Dr. Lundgren will need to capture digital images and scans of your oral and facial structures so that a clear and accurate view of the jaw joints can be analyzed.

Our CT/Cone Beam Scanner can help produce a three-dimensional model of your mouth and facial features so that we can better prepare an effective treatment plan. Based on our findings, we will suggest:

  • Equilibration/Occlusal Adjustment – This process involves surveying which teeth are causing additional pressure and tension on the jaw joints. When the bite is misaligned, it’s important that we realign it so that an even bite force is created. We will carefully alter certain teeth so that the jaw no longer faces increased pressure.
  • Occlusal Splints – If bruxism proves to be the reason behind your jaw pain, an occlusal splint can be crafted for you to wear. Not only does the custom-made device keep the upper and lower arches of teeth from touching, but it also encourages better jaw positioning so that optimal relief from jaw pain is achieved.

It is also possible that BOTOX injections may be able to help alleviate these symptoms, providing temporary relief.